Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A note from the author

 As I'm sure most of you know, Colin and I have reached our destination. We made it to Kevin's place in San Diego on Friday, June 28, after almost three whole weeks on the road. A few of my last entries were posted from Kevin's apartment once we got here. As I mentioned earlier, it was difficult to write in the car because if I wasn't driving, I was either a) helping Colin with directions, b) researching our next stop, c) trying to find a place for us to camp for free or trying to find a cheap last–minute hotel deal, or d) taking in our surroundings. As incredible as all of our stops have been, the drives to, from and around them have been just as awe-inspiring, if not more so at times. A lack of dedication to this blog is not to blame for the delays between these stops and my posts, and the absence of wi-fi connectivity is only part of the problem; I've mostly been overwhelmed by my self-imposed sense of duty to report everything we have encountered and endured. The experiences have been plentiful in quantity and rich in quality, with no shortage of anecdotes to write about. No doubt I've failed to include many details of our trip, small and large, but I have tried my best to give a comprehensive and honest account of all we've done on this epic road trip for our friends and family at home to read about in the hopes that you will be able to share in the highs and lows and everything in-between in our ventures--the mishaps, the triumphs, and the laughter throughout it all.

That being said, I had wanted to write one final (and undoubtedly lengthy) post detailing everything we've done between the Grand Canyon and our arrival in San Diego. The post would span seven days and would merge several posts I'd already started writing in the aftermath of specific events and left unfinished for various distractions. After working out a timeline of events and running it by Colin to confirm its accuracy, I told him what I intended to do, which he promptly deemed unacceptable. He all but told me that this was sacrilegious and a form of cheating. Dismissing my protests, he insisted I would want to complete my travel blog in the same format I'd started it to maintain its sanctity and allow it to become a relic memorializing our trip for the rest of our lives. I couldn't really argue with that. 

So please continue to be patient with me. As Colin and I adapt to our lives here in San Diego, we have been very busy enjoying all the fruits this lovely city has to offer (including, but not limited to, beautiful beaches that are much less crowded than those at home and the famed "perfect weather" that, much to our satisfaction, is not just a rumor) and balancing these indulgences with a fervent pursuit of full-time employment to ensure that we won't have to put a premature end to our fun out here on the west coast. In between the hedonistic merriment and the more practical pursuits necessary to support such pleasures, I will be writing whenever I can, provided that the loud music and video game sound effects that embody the auditory background of this bachelor pad aren't too distracting. Please continue to check back for updates. Our road trip might be over, but the adventure is ongoing, and this blog is far from dead!

Love to all,

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