Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 7

11:30am. We decided to take a different route to our next stop in Jackson, Wyoming. We were driving down some backcountry road when we saw what must have been hundreds of free range brown cows. We pulled over to watch them for a bit because some were so close to the road and seemed entirely unphased by our presence. We watched as two bulls tried to mount a female, then butted heads with each other in what I imagine was a show of strength. As they fought, the female mounted the smaller male! I guess she wanted to put him in his place, too. Too add to the hilarity of the moment, a couple of the calves began to mount each other, and one was even brazen enough to attempt the aforementioned female (unsuccessfully) in an amusing display of monkey-see-monkey-do.

Several miles down, we had to slow to a near-stop to allow ample room for the herd of cows passing on the other side of the road. There were dozens of them marching down the road with a few people on horseback and a spotted cattle dog bringing up the rear. Cowboy culture is alive and well in Wyoming, the least populous of the continental United States. We've been driving for miles just looking at rock formations on either side of the road and the mountains in the distance (Wyoming is quite beautiful), and then we'll see a bunch of cows on the other side of a low fence partitioning them from the road so we know there must be a ranch nearby, even though there's none in sight.

Observations from inside of The Golden Chari-yacht:
Colin is terrible at geography.
Colin eats nonstop while in the car. Except for when he was sleeping, he has not stopped eating for the entire time we've been on the road since we left New Jersey. When he's driving, he asks me to make him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches even if we just ate breakfast an hour ago. I thought I ate a lot but Colin is on another, preparing-for-a-food-competition-level.

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